
Fixing Ground Scrolling Artifacts

Now that we have delta time we need to fix an issue with a visible artifact when rendering the scrolling ground.

Ground Scrolling Artifact

When you look back at the canvas you're likely going to see a visual artifact on the ground as it scrolls. It's highlighted in red below:

Scrolling the ground diagram
Scrolling the ground diagram

The cause of this is our diff value. If you recall, this value is calculated by: diff = Math.abs(this.scrollPositionX), and in turn scrollPositionX comes from this.scrollSpeed * delta. So scrollPositionX can be a floating point value. This is why we see this artifact. We use diff to help sample the sprite sheet, but since it's fractional we're getting a partial sample. We never want to sample a partial pixel of a sprite , so we'll floor the diff value.

Update the Code

Let's update the line of code that calculates diff to floor the value:

export class Ground {
// ...
public draw(context: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {
// scrollPositionX is constantly in the negative direction, so we need to
// get the absolute value for the sampling below.
// We also need to floor the value to avoid sampling a partial sprite.
const diff = Math.floor(Math.abs(this.scrollPositionX));
// ...

Now the artifact should be gone and the ground should be scrolling as expected.